Yakutsk | photoreport

Yakutsk - the capital of Yakutia, the third largest city in the Far Eastern Federal District. If you want to travel to Yakutia , you can not go past the Yakutsk. These are all roads including air . Yes , in the winter there are frosts down to -50 , but still, as they say , the cold here is better tolerated than in the central regions of Russia . The city is developing very rapidly - many new neighborhoods and do a lot of new multicolored buildings - go and happy eyes . In Yakutsk seeking all the young people of Yakutia. Then there are the universities and all that is needed.

Here Bourtsev Nikita , without which would in Yakutia it would be very difficult.

Lenaturflot - a company specializing in tourism, but it seems like it weak. Along the Lena River , as far as I know only ship runs - Michael Kulibin that is already literally falling apart , but the stubborn merchants pulled out of him all the money . Ticket Yakutsk Tiksi costs an average of 120,000 rubles per person. Such prices are due to the fact that go on trips alone foreigners - well, that's like they Yakutia and all . I read somewhere that even caught one such - he was floating in a kayak in Tiksi and confused in the Lena Delta . Miraculously saved the Frenchman.

Accidentally in Yakutsk on the day of the indigenous peoples of the north , and finally , the first time in the summer in the north , I met this deer.

[My new travel-video]
That's what I

And then you just need to enjoy the city. Recently I have not seen such a well-groomed , paints , colors, and just the atmosphere. Write about Yakutsk makes no sense - it's the same thing as writing about Moscow - all have long been written.

SingaporeHakam khan
Becker, Minnesota