Manor Arkhangelskoe | photoreport

Arkhangelskoye is located in the North-West of Moscow. The most convenient way to travel on the transport or by shuttle bus from the metro station Strogino (number 1067) or by metro Tushino. To go a little longer - about 15 minutes.
Manor has attracted the attention of contemporaries. At various times it was visited by such prominent figures of Russian culture as a historian and writer NM Karamzin, poets Alexander Pushkin and P. Vyazemsky, writers Alexander Herzen and NP Ogarev, artists VA . Serov, Alexander Benois, Konstantin Makovsky, Konstantin Korovin, musicians Igumnov and Stravinsky.
Arkhangelsk - green island in the Moscow region, where you want to go back. The entrance ticket costs 150 to 300 rubles, depending on which attractions you want posetit.Mozhno just walk in the park, but you can go to the museum, where you can go to the places where they lived and slept well-known personalities. Honestly, that did not remember the names, but to go all the same advise.
Ideal - visit Arkhangelsk with his other half, because there is everything for a romantic and memorable walks and make sure to choose a sunny day.
On the estate there is a sanatorium and also the festival of "farmstead. Jazz." For hungry travelers there is a barbecue (not very tasty).
Ride in the estate is often combined with a tour of the Museum of Military Technology Vadim Zadorozhnogo. Frankly, the price of 450 rubles, I think, very overpriced, but once it's worth to go.

Kirilyuk Andrey Alexandrovich
Matveeva Larisa
Elena Kovtun