Kharp (Northern Lights) | photoreport

Harp is the settlement with special regime, was established in 1961 during the construction of the 501st Stalin building.
It is situated in the spurs of the Polar Urals. The name translates as "Northern Lights". Sometimes these names combine together and say - Harp ( Northern Lights ) .
To some extent, Harp can call the prison village. There are two maximum security prisons.
One of them called "Snowy owl". Now there are criminals serving sentences such as Alexander Pichushkin (Moscow Bitsevsky maniac) and Nurpashi Kulaev - the only surviving terrorist from Beslan .
Also in the 2003-2006 year is serving his sentence in the Yukos prison case - Platon Lebedev
Nothing criminal in the village there - just have two prisons and everything.
Photo taken on the platform at the railroad station.

Typical homes, ordinary people...

What I immediately liked is so very unusual mountains and clouds.
[My new travel-video]

In the middle of the village there is a small mountain, which, as I understand it, using as a helipad. Unfortunately very few photos turned out unnecessarily in this day and terrible wind was blowing it was not possible to somehow fix the camera.

And here is the prison - "Snowy owl". I don't come close, because it is security zone.
In general, the north is very friendly and talkative people . In Harp I wanted to go myself, but also to help me suggest a local I met in Salekhard. He works for chromite mine and offered to take me to the truck to the mountains, where they are and actually mined . I was ready , but sitting down and minibus locals I talked to climb into the mountains, quite unnecessarily , these mines are dangerous for the respiratory system , and they have many years of poisoning the health of local residents , bringing out a variety of diseases . Very often been seen as a drive past the loaded trucks, after which the cloud of dust flying.

Previously, there is also bubbling with life , worked mines, factories . But in the early 90s all busted ... Now everything is empty. 2:00 stood with a local who told me about everything , including what has worked 28 years in the North and the owl is now retired working in his garage . In the winter they have hunting , fishing. People are bored, but not much.

Here is such a Harp . This is so far the only village , moving on to whom I felt tremors . It seems nothing wrong in it, but not psychologically very comfortable.
Joseph Marsh
Albany, New York