Hong Kong | photoreport

Hong Kong - one of the most densely populated city in the world and i wanted to come here only for "check-in", because you just hate crowds, overcrowding and overpopulation.
Of course, this overpopulation is not like Bangladesh, but there is a terrible sense of the anthill, which in summer turns into a bath with scorching concrete buildings, indoor climate which saves air conditioning. You explore the city, go on long streets, studded with skyscrapers, you're hot, and the water bottle in his hand does not help around the crowds, smells Chinese dishes from every corner, where the owners love to cook some smelly body parts of some animals. Honestly, we have the shawarma stinking smells better here smell just toshnotno. The best way - to go to the hall of any building, and the halls are everywhere here, because basically all of the building - it's business centers and hotels) and cooled by air conditioning.
Hong Kong Airport is located on a separate island and is connected by rail (and a road) connections to all the other islands and peninsulas. Arrive, come to the information desk and buy a ticket to Hong Kong Island for 80 HKG. (Tickets cost terminals 100HKG). Tickets are expensive, since you are using a kind of Aeroexpress, which dovozit only to the key metro stations on each island. Train rides on conventional rails, but goes so fast without a driver, it appears a little excitement.
Then, come to the terminal for the sale of tickets and buy a ticket to the desired station is already in the underground. We had to Wan Chai station and Glouchester road. Metro pleasant, and our station was generally made of green tiles. A ticket on the subway is not necessary to throw, so you need them at the exit. If we had such a scheme works in the subway, we would have seen hourly people who did not come back.
Go out and realize that there is a very hot and stuffy, but you're in one of the biggest cities in the world, and the height of buildings is fascinating. Some buildings are not only high, but also so thin that fits inside on the floor, probably one room. Tin, a junk in 50 years will simply crumble.

That's our Glouchester Road. Immediately it is very difficult to find the building, despite the fact that his picture was in our hands.

It was decided to go to the peak of Victoria, photographs of which all Internet space to be filled up. We leave to the Central Station and looking Peak Tram.Iskali pointer long, navigation is intuitive.

For nearly arrived, the tram rises not his progress - it pulls a special cable. Victoria Peak - very nice, but how long it boring to watch, so do not stay long. Gradually the mind recall all the films and posters that seen here.

And here is the view from the observation deck on the other hand - nothing interesting.

In Hong Kong the underground there are small signs with the sights at this station (and on adjacent, too). In Moscow, in very short supply, such as the numbering of the subway exits.
We saw a beautiful picture and went to Diamond Head and the station were not very far from the historic site.

Here is the Hong Kong with the neighboring island of Kowloon (Kowloon). We are just at the Avenue of Stars, which is also advertise all the guidebooks. But once you get on it, you will realize that it is simply just a sidewalk on the waterfront.

Avenue of Stars, nothing memorable. Raspiarenny utterly her absolutely nothing to do. The usual path, of which millions in Moscow. Occasionally come across celebrities prints of hands. As they say, the main show is held here at exactly 8pm.

Unfortunately, the evening show turned out to be also not the most interesting. Several spotlights and lasers have tried together to do some shows, but they did not work and after a few minutes of this "action" the people began to disperse.

However hot cramped and there was not anyway the trip was worth it - Hong Kong is still impressive. I wonder what will happen when the life of the buildings will be held and they will start to break down. Some already do not look very new, and there are not 5 floors, and much more.
Etihad campaign flight from Moscow to Hong Kong has been a change in Abu Dhabi (UAE), but got the impression that the Russian company has become a push to the margins: the aircraft often had to get off the bus + relegation zone was on the outskirts of the airport with some obscure personalities .
Anya Rybak