Kisilyakh | photoreport

A long time ago the territory of modern Verkhoyansk District of Yakutia was bottom of the ocean. There is a lot of evidence for that , and these sacred mountain is an example. They still find the remains of marine animals.
Generally , Kisilyahskie mountains are very popular tourist destination of Yakutia. They are not only in Verkhoyansk ulus , but also in many others. There are plenty of camp sites that work with groups of tourists numbers 3-6 . Usually they go on a Friday and come back on Monday .
With one person voucher worth 6500 , but for that amount I have organized the VIP-service . Once again, thank Nikita Bourtzev for their assistance.
In general , it all started on Monday around 8:00 pm . Almost all the neighborhoods I have traveled - could only get to the mountains, which can be seen from almost every point in Batagai , even from the runway at the airport.
[My new travel-video]
We got to the outskirts of Batagay and walked down to the river Yana duct . Local boatman brought the tourists have returned and prepared to load the next batch , but ordinary people who needed to get to the village El'getsk that is hard to find on any map. Before him to go on a motor boat down the river 50 kilometers.


We left . Even though it was summer , and in the street , but to go on the evening motorboat oochen cold.

So we swam to the river Yang. The river from above resembles a snake and those 50 km, we had to swim through it , would become just 5 km, if it were straight.

The evening got to El'getsk . Then I immediately took care of Yakut family . The head of the family name is Herman. At least he asked himself so called .
Very kind, modest and generally a good person.
Fed me , and immediately the evening at 11 o'clock we moved to the mountain to get to the camp site. There we had to spend the night and in the morning is to move up the hill.

We walked quite a terrible time of day - night. In these forests, a lot of bears and wolves, but I was told they were full.
By 3 o'clock in the morning got to the camp site " Eyge ." Eating a lot and it is designed 5-6 people.

Kisilyahi already seen, but to them 5:00 walk up the hill through the swamps

Here's Herman. Because the mountains have much energy , they love to climb people who need to replenish this energy : the disabled , the elderly , people with various diseases . Of course, such people can not carry a heavy backpack .
So Herman has things for 2-3 people at once. There's at least 30kg and must smuggle 25 kilometers. But he does not complain about life .
In general , we went. With us was a dog named " Har " (" Snow" from Yakutsk )

Further comment is superfluous . Each stone means anything . If you touch it - it charges you with energy. Maybe auto-suggestion , and maybe not - people who were brought to the mountain in a wheelchair - began to walk.
Each stone is energizing in a particular area : is the stone of lovers, it helps to find love, there is also a stone of health , money, itp )
See for yourself and connect your imagination - every stone - a small figure of the famous characters , animals , etc.

After wandering through the mountains , I still wanted to go fishing in the river of Yakutsk . Yakutia in general is famous for its fish stocks . The rivers are covered with ice nine months of the year . Imagine how the fish want to eat ?
again Elgetsk

The banks of the Yana River severely eroding , El'getsk gradually moving deeper into the forest and the river "eats" the old buildings

Herman agreed with his brother and they took us to a small tributary not Yana . Without a motor boat here in any way.

By color can understand what the water level was here during the floods in 2013

Here we are, Hermann immediately built a fire and put it in cheesecakes , thereby appease the spirit of the hunt.
But since recently there was a flood - the river was tea-colored and the fish went into the depths. Therefore, only the perches . There were many , but then I mucked hands that do not want to dirty camera.

Not turned to go back on the boat, in the end - 4:00 on the bumpy road to Batagay. This track, along which travel to Tiksi . She just killed the Urals, who drove here not so long ago. Besides its strong podtopilo . The locals are used to this and quickly pulled the car out of any pit all means at hand.

Outeiro da CabeçaPeter