Singapore | photoreport

Singapore - one of the most famous cities in the world, which is mistakenly called the city of the future. I do not argue - it has distinctive features of the architecture of some buildings, and everything else - it's a city of the future as Hong Kong, Moscow (in summer), or any other major city. Very often I see a comparison of Singapore and Moscow, not in favor of the latter, but, excuse me, if in Moscow the year would be a temperature greater than 20 degrees, it would look no worse than any other city with wide streets, edged with palm trees. You say that this would prevent corruption? - Maybe, but only the beginning ... Yes, in Moscow there are no oceans and seas with turquoise water, but scold her because of it just not worth it.
First of all, Singapore is known for its prohibitions: fines for discarding rubbish in the street, for road junction in the wrong place or at a red traffic light, for food in the streets and in public transport, the death penalty for the transportation of narcotic drugs itp So - all this rut, which is a fad in the PR, who have Singapore. I'm not saying that the fines do not have, just when you only iron warned that you have to be careful - you come to this area of special treatment and suddenly find that people eat on the street, in the subway, and even sometimes throw paper on the road and it is nothing for it do not. Lucky? - hardly. Singapore service the crowd of local migrant workers - Pakistanis and Indians. They do all the dirty work, and probably foolish to think that they will strictly comply with all instructions of which they may even be unaware.
After Hong Kong feel a certain freedom - plenty of space and there is no feeling of wild ant, crowds of skyscrapers from which just gets crowded. Plain City, did not see any flying taxis and steep monorails over his head), and said that the city will reach the usual level of Singapore in 80 years. Laugh.
Upon arrival at the airport, you are met by such a composition of hanging stuff, which move synchronously in the form of waves. Seconds 20 can be delayed. Something even calms such a spectacle.

Very conveniently located transport system of the city, you get into a train at the airport and eat anywhere from 1 transfer with "Aeroexpress" in the usual subway. The names of the stations about anything do not say, even in New York, too, it was not clear why the junction called not remarkable. I admit, getting into our trip Aeroexpress no feeling of integrity, it is still, in fact - this is a common train, and no other way it will not take.

[My new travel-video]
Flag of Singapore is a fail. The city of the future may not be the flag, like the Tunisian and point! Red with the future can not be combined.

On the horizon we see the Downtown, where the tallest buildings in Singapore. This concentration of economic power of Singapore, the world's leading banks, offices of many companies - everything is here. In photos it seems that there are very few skyscrapers, but it is not. Masking this)

The bulk of Singapore's streets represent a such a spectacle. I would not call it something extraordinary. Gives some kitayschinoy, but please note - all clean and tidy.

Downtown liked. In New York, he is a little dryish, and there are a lot of greenery and just a pleasure to wander around these streets. Everything is clean and well-groomed. But do not think that there is no debris in the streets - as well as elsewhere, on the streets and then found a piece of paper lying around, and sometimes even garbage, so that the purity of Singapore a bit exaggerated.

And here is the much-touted Singapore Zoo, which is also not impressed. If you were in the Moscow zoo, you will not see anything new, such as animals, such as macaques, which are trying to fill all the empty space of the zoo. No animals in the wild, you will not see. Conventional cages increased, such as terrariums for the snakes. In general, marketing has done his work, and people are willing to come here, but I repeat - the zoo normal and nothing interesting here you will not see.

So we got in the right place, because here and which is to come. Quay front of the hotel Marina Bay Sands: it is always crowded, and only in the evening especially. Every day at the same time, a crowd of people sits on the steps in front of the lion and starts looking at the Marina Bay Sands hotel, because at 8 pm starts a light show, which is also advertise mercilessly.
The light show is better than in Hong Kong, but still falls short of the Wow!

Fountain of wealth is in the usual shopping center and there is not as I have seen many photos and videos. I do not argue, many photos and videos of the place have been made during the night and a riot of colorful lights played a role, but this is the usual dnem- fountain with a large bronze ring at the top, which is without a clue and you will not find at once.

Now we go to the Marina Bay Sands hotel. its size inspires. The hotel itself is separated from the expensive shopping center, which is not entirely clear how and where to go. There flyover on the 4th floor, but there too, there is not very easy. Living in the Marina Bay Sands more than 1 night it makes no sense, and it is a pleasure expensive, especially with the current dollar exchange rate.

Here is the reception at the hotel. The hotel is a tower 3, which is a huge swimming pool swimming pool in the form of a large boat. In each tower by 2 elevators (the first coming with 1 ~ 30, the second floor - with 30 to 60+) - convenient and no queues.

We settled on the 50 floor, very pleased. Excellent views of the gardens and one of the busiest ports in the world. Ships are still days.

On the roof of a sell-out at any time and get the feeling that the pool is open around the clock, but this is deceptive. He closes quite early - at 11 pm, so enjoy the night view of the big city is a bit of time.
By itself, the pool is of no interest, there is the same tile, as in the usual Soviet basin, the same dirty water intake just behind the "unlimited" rim, so do not think that leaning out of the pool you will find under a precipice - not, there will be a groove with dirty water and even dust.

The symbol of Singapore Merlion attraction can not be called, you can, of course, should be considered as the standard of the Merlion, which is located on Sentosa, but to go there, there was no desire. With children - can be, but a couple of adults to go there it's just tupizm, of course, if you do not want to swim with dolphins or ride on a roller coaster. Other interesting things there is simply no.

The city is well, you can go, but without fanaticism
Stepan Murin