Ushuaia | photoreport

Ushuaia - the southernmost city in the world , end of the world as it is often called here. Of course , there are settlements and to the south , but this is no longer the city , but just small towns ( if that word in relation to South America ) . It is located on the island of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), in Patagonia, which is strongly associated in our minds with distant travel famous explorers : Magellan, Columbus , etc.
In Ushuaia fly two local airlines - LAN and Aerolines Argentina. In the travel season airlines produce heavy artillery - Boeing and Airbus , and almost always they fly completely filled . Our fleet is fairly new and is not of concern.
[My new travel-video]

Reach the outskirts of Buenos Aires Pistarini Airport and immediately at the exit , take a taxi to another airport - John Newbery . Not impossible to find a taxi . As soon as you move to the exit, you'll see girls offering taxi services . They offer it on a formal basis and can not worry about that the taxi driver asks unreal amount and somehow deceive you . You will immediately come to the cashier and pay slips , and after that she shows you the driver you eat and where you need it . Taxi fare between the two airports - 40USD.

While you go by taxi , do not stop to be horrified - Buenos Aires does not look awful , but you can say is defective : the greatest aversion cause flats , are not like the usual sleeping box and look like popilennye box with small windows. As it turned out - the wrong feeling. Just between the two airports is expensive does not follow the best of its districts , and the city is so big that just climb eye on his forehead .
Since South America was settled by the Spaniards, Spanish architecture was to be expected and I waited for her . After arrival in Ushuaia , I realized what it reminded me of the city . It is similar to Andorra La Vella , if it were in place in Murmansk . Ie both European architecture and certain detachment that is felt due to the nature that resembles the north of Russia : derevere small , yellow-green desert , as the tundra.
As I have said , the city is very civilized and not very expensive . In the tourist season hotel prices rise , but the food is still not so expensive . Here and steaks ( tastier did not try) and giant crabs and other seafood .
A lot of tourists and clearly traced contingent - English-speaking elderly couple (U.S. and Europe) and Asians ( they're everywhere ) . Many tourists say that if 5 years ago, they almost did not meet Russian people , traveling the world , but now they see them very often, and it pleases them .
The city is located on the shores of the Beagle Channel and the weather looks very severe and thus more attractive . Come to the edge of the light and see the sun - not the best idea. These mountains , clouds , and most importantly - the realization that quite near to Antarctica , gives a special feeling . Ride on the canal beagle see sea lions and penguins Magelanskih , wander around the islands - is not it great.
